S ✯ M ✯ A ✯ R ✯ T
Special Military Active Recreational Travelers
Seeing the Country We Defend
Caravan: Heart of it All Wagon Master: Tony Mason
Start Date: 2026-07-15 End Date: 2026-08-14
Single Cost: 3999.00 Couple’s Cost: 4999.00 Guest Cost: 1599.00
Payments: $280 upon application; 50% by January 15, 2026; and full payment by April 15, 2026.
You asked for something different so come join us and experience "The Heart of it All" throughout Ohio and Pennsylvania. We will begin with a dinner cruise on the Ohio River. There will be signs, signs, everywhere a sign - in a museum! (Did you sing that phrase?)
Email Address: Is your first SMART Caravan? Yes No
Pilot’s First Name: Pilot’s Last Name:
Copilot’s First Name: Copilot’s Last Name:
✯Attendees: Please Select Number of Attendees One Person $3999.00 Two Persons $4999.00 Two plus Guest $6598.00
Guest: First and last names of a 3rd person traveling in your coach.
Sponsor’s Full Name: Sponsor’s SMART#: Caravan ID#:
Caravan: Heart of it All Start Date: 2026-07-15 End Date: 2026-08-14
ALL participants must sign this liability release – Please Read:
For services rendered to/received by those signed below, in their participation of the SMART activity named above, the undersigns hereby releases, and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SMART Inc, all officers, directors, employees, agents and their successors and assigns from all liabilities, injuries, obligations, claims, demands, losses, damages, judgments, penalties, expenses and disbursements, including reasonable attorney’s fee of any kind and nature arising out of, or in any way related to the activity listed above. SMART is NOT responsible for the actions of any participating company, or agent, regarding their role in organizing, planning, or for any other service they may provide for the benefit of the named person or activity. All persons must be 18 years or older and must sign the required application. Name & Signature of Guests in your Rig “REQUIRED.”
Pilot’s Signature: _______________________ Date: ___________
Copilot’s Signature: _______________________ Date: ___________
Guest’s Name: _______________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ___________