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Start Date: 2024-09-16 Departure Date: 2024-09-21
The Exchange Park
Sponsor(s): East Region
Host: John Steinbauer Phone: (210) 386-9018 Email:
Muster Costs:
Single Cost: $100.00 Couple Cost: $200.00 Couple + Guest Cost: $300.00 Camping/night: $50.00
An entry in all fields shown in the registration form is required.
Pilot: SMART#:
Copilot: SMART#:
Home: Pilot's Mobile: Copilot's Mobile:
Pilot's Email:
City State Zip
Please provide at least one emergency contact other than your Copilot.
Notify: Phone: Relationship:
RV Type: Make:
Model: Length:
I tow a vehicle behind my motor home. Total length of tow and towing vehicles:
Attendees: One Person $100.00.00 Two Persons $200.00.00 Two plus Guest $300.00.00
I (We) are first time attendee(s).
Guest Name: Enter guest first and last names or “None.”
Planned Arrival: Planned Departure:
Camping Costs: $ 50.00/night
Luncheons Are you attending the luncheons?
Mens Luncheon: Ladies Luncheon: Lunch Total: $
Handicap Parking 30 Amps 50 Amps
Do you or your traveling companion use any of the following, cane, walker, electric wheel chair, scooter, C-PAP?
If Yes, please indicate which one(s):
Special Diet Needs
I will volunteer to help at the Muster
Mens Qty: Size: (Mens Small to Mens 4X)
Ladies Qty: Size: (Ladies Small to Ladies 4X)
Shirt Total: $
Tour#1 President’s Cup National Golf Tourname - Cost: $0.00
You will want to show up early and join in the fun at Joint Base Charleston’s championship Wrenwood Golf Course. Tournament entry fee is $10 to be collected on site. Total: $
Add $25 after 2024-09-21: $
In consideration for my (our) attendance, I (We) hereby release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless SMART, its officers, directors, employees, agents, successors, and assigns from any and all liabilities, claims, losses, and/or damages arising from my (our) attendance at this event.
All attendees must read and sign this form.