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Outstanding Chapter of the Year - The SMART FMCA chapter is proud to again, in 2022, be the recipient of SMART’s Outstanding Chapter of the Year Award. We have won this award every year since our inception, and we are the only chapter in the At Large Region to have won it.

SMART FMCA is a collaboration between SMART and the Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA). The goals are to grow our SMART membership and take advantage of all FMCA has to offer. We intend to foster a close working relationship with our sister chapter, the SMART Chapter within FMCA. Working together, we plan to increase and improve the opportunities for RV travel and social activities as well as sharing our experiences with military veterans within FMCA and encourage their membership in SMART.

You must be a member of both SMART and FMCA to join this chapter. You may use the “Click to join SMART” link below to join if you are not already a member.

✯ - SMART members, please Sign In, then return here to join the SMART FMCA..

✯ - Click to join S M A R T  

The name, Family Motor Coach Association is a little misleading in that membership is opened to all RV owners. The RV is defined as “A self-contained wheeled vehicle that includes permanently installed cooking, sleeping, and sanitary facilities.” It does not need to be motorized.

FMCA recognizes approximately 400 chapters across the United States and Canada. Many of them encompass specific or general geographic regions. Others consist of FMCA members who own a particular brand or model of RV. And still others are based on a common interest, such as music, sports, coach conversions or amateur radio. FMCA rallies are generally attended by more than 100 RVs and sometimes the national rallies have 2,500 or more.

We can and will attract new members to SMART by parking several members together at FMCA Rallies, displaying SMART banners and having afternoon socials where we invite the veterans we see during the day.

Our Musters (Rallies)

All SMART Events   A calendar of our Musters and Events.

2025 National Muster

Our next National Muster will begin on September 15, 2025 in Mineola, TX. Please click here for dates/contact info.

2025 National Muster Schedule of Events Print a Registration Form

SMART FMCA Muster Schedule

Date Event Sponsor
2025 National Muster
Mineola, TX
    More Info  
Midwest Region


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Office Name Phone
President Tony Mason (813) 480-9170
Vice President Jack Fritz (813) 508-5680
Secretary/Treasurer Joe Faubion (817) 575-7596
National Director Tony Mason (813) 480-9170
Alt National Director Jack Fritz (813) 508-5680
Website Delegate Jeff Stephens (813) 731-0101